There are a million different reasons that individuals are turning to hemp. For farmers' a promise of a profitable new crop, for consumers a legal way to manage anxiety, pain, sleep trouble. And that just scratches the surface, below is one of the reason's we choose hemp.
Meet Levi, Levi was everything you could ask for in a dog plus so much more. Levi trained for a marathon with me, an accomplished therapy dog, the best judge of character, and the ultimate wingman. Boy did he help me dodge some odd birds....
In May of 2019 Levi was diagnosed with Stage 5 B-Cell Lymphoma. Lymphoma in dogs unfortunately is a terminal diagnosis regardless of the treatment plan. It was up to me to ensure that the time he had left was filled with joy, comfort, and lots of love.
It was during that time that we not only turned to conventional treatment to keep his quality of life normal and comfortable, but we introduced hemp based products as part of his standard of care.
I can proudly say that until we ultimately lost Levi on October 1, he was the same amazing companion that he had been since I picked him up in March of 2015. The vets at North Carolina State University were amazed that he experienced no negative side effects over the entire course of his treatment.
We utilized full spectrum products, so ultimately we cannot pin point which cannabinoids he benefited from but I know that it made his life better.
We choose hemp because of Levi and humbly bring you Humble Hemp N.C. It would be an honor to become a positive part of your story.

Love and miss that sweet boy!! Levi was the best dog! I know he and Bella Rea are having a blast together over the Rainbow Bridge! You are amazing paw-rents for making his last days so comfortable and full of love. Love your HH products!!